Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Revision Form 4: Chapter LIGHT

How image is formed on plane mirror.

1.The characteristic of image in a plane mirror is...
  • same size as object
  • laterally inverted
  • image distance equal to object distance from mirror
  • virtual image

2. Law of reflection is obeyed here that is....
  • angle of incidence equal to angle of reflection 
  • the incidence ray, the reflected ray and the normal all lie on the same plane.
3.  How to determine the angle of incidence and angle of reflection.

1. Consider the diagram below. Which one of the angles (A, B, C, or D) is the angle of incidence? Which one of the angles is the angle of reflection? 


2. A ray of light is incident towards a plane mirror at an angle of 30-degrees with the mirror surface. What will be the angle of reflection?

3. Perhaps you have observed the image of the sun in the windows of distant buildings near the time that the sun is rising or setting. However, the image of the sun is not seen in the windows of distant building during midday. Use the diagram below to explain, drawing appropriate light rays on the diagram.

4. A ray of light is approaching a set of three mirrors as shown in the diagram. The light ray is approaching the first mirror at an angle of 45-degrees with the mirror surface. Trace the path of the light ray as it bounces off the mirror. Continue tracing the ray until it finally exits from the mirror system. How many times will the ray reflect before it finally exits?

Answer please refer to the link below

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Tips on Mid Year Exam(Paper 3 Physics)

Here are some tips for all 5 Science Students . Important experiment for this paper 3 is
Form 5 Experiment...

  • Ripple tank experiment on reflection , refraction, diffraction and interference of  water waves.
  • Ohm's Law
  • Internal resistance of a cell
  • Factors affecting the strength of an electromagnet.
Form 4 experiment

  • Newtons Second Law,  F = ma
  • Archimedes principle
  • Specific heat capacity 
  • Pascal Principle
  • Reflection, refraction of light in plane mirror, prism

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mid Year Exam for form 5 Science (5 setia/Mulia/Kreatif)

Here are the topics that will be tested during Mid Year Exam 2011 starting next week , 8th of May.
  • All the form four topics Chapter 1-5
  • Form 5 topics Chapter 1-3  until DC motor, electromagnetic induction and the remaining subtopics are not included.
  • Format of exam paper according to SPM format.
  • Paper 1 , 50 objective questions ( basic concept of of physics)
  • Paper 2, Section A : 8 structure questions where all the chapters form 4 and form 5 will be tested. This section will carry 60 marks.
  • Paper 2 , Section B: 2 question (1 question form form 4 and another from form 5). Answer any one question. This section will carry 20 marks.
  • Paper 2 , Section C : same like section B but the question ask will require the student to choose, design or modify the apparatus or gadget given. Preferably answer the question in table form as belows 
Characteristics Chosen
 2 marks
 2 marks
 2 marks
 2 marks

Material ..................(1 mark)...........were chosen because.............(1 mark)...........(repeat all the characteristic chosen).

This type of question carries 10 marks  ( 8 marks for answer in the table and 2 marks for the chosen material and its reasons). 

  • For paper 3, Section A (28 marks) : Answer all two compulsory questions given (each from form 4 and form 5 syllabus) , both question based on the practical /experiment. 
  • For Section B (12 marks) , answer any one question either from form 4 or form 5 experiment.

To All the form 5 science students, 
Good Luck in your coming Mid Year Exam.  
Try to score your paper 1 and paper 3......
All the best!! 

Sunday, May 1, 2011